Cordoba Peace Institute
The Cordoba Peace Institute – Geneva (CPI) is an independent non-profit organisation working on peace promotion. We focus on tensions and polarisations in all societies where Muslims live and aim to enhance theoretical and practical conflict transformation resources in Muslim majority countries.


From climate crisis to crisis of coexistence with living beings: How to resolve the conflict between man and nature?
Yaël Bitter Français | عربي
Image: L'uomo E La Natura © Agim Sulaj “Climate change”, “biodiversity loss”, “increased risk...
Islamic Jurisprudence Exchanges as Process Support for Mediated Solutions
Lakhdar Ghettas Français | عربي According to the ICRC, out of the 450 armed groups identified as being of...

Islamic Peacemaking
An edited interview with Abbas Aroua, Cordoba Peace Institute – Geneva Published in: Still time to talk: Adaptation...

Prof. Johan Galtung passes away – Décès du Prof. Johan Galtung – وفاة البروفيسور يوهان غالتونغ
Prof. Johan Galtung, member of CPI's Advisory Committee, died this morning in Oslo. More than his enormous contribution to the...

Monthly Afghanistan News Roundup – January 2024
Ozair Khan Within the framework of the Fiqhi Pathways project implemented jointly by CPI-Geneva and the Swiss FDFA’s Peace and Human...

Retour des coups d’Etat en Afrique
par Alice Carchereux Depuis 2019, une vague de coups d’Etat a fait son apparition sur le continent africain, remettant ainsi en...

Renforcer la cohésion sociale en Irak
par Ali Al-Ahmad CPI travaille en Irak depuis 2017 sur deux questions clés : a) le droit de connaître le sort...

The return of coups d’état in Africa
By Alice Carchereux Since 2019, a wave of coups has appeared on the African continent, challenging the belief that Africa had...

Celebration of CPI’s 20th anniversary
CPI celebrated its 20th anniversary...

Participation de la FCG au séminaire « Média et prévention de la violence et de l’extrémisme violent en Afrique de l’Ouest et au Sahel »
Participation de la FCG au...

Comprendre l’Islam Politique (Livre, François Burgat)
Présentation de son livre: Comprendre...

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Code of Conduct
IFRC (International Federation of the...

World Islamic Scholars Initiative for Peace, Moderation and Common Sense
مبادرة علماء العالم الإسلامي إلى...

Indonesia – Switzerland, 60th anniversary of bilateral relations
Anniversary Seminar 18 April 2013,...
Cordoba Updates
The Cordoba Update, January 2025
The Cordoba Update, June 2024
The Cordoba Update, January 2024
The Cordoba Update, June 2023
The Cordoba Update, January 2023
The Cordoba Update, June 2022

Social Cohesion and Promoting Civic Alternatives to Violence in Zanzibar – 2020 Elections (15 June 2019 – 30 June 2021)
Project Goal and Objectives Promoting an...

The Right to Know the Fate of Missing Persons in Islamic Law and International Humanitarian Law: Summary of Two Academic Papers
Author: Reine RadwanFebruary 2024Source of...
Conflict transformation
We endeavour to transform the relationships between parties to conflict, to minimize the use of violence. We encourage them to deal with direct, structural and cultural causes of conflict.
Collective shared knowledge
In our reports and papers, we ensure that the analyses, conclusions and recommendations issued are shared by a diverse panel of actors from different backgrounds.
We empower parties to conflict and enhance their capacity to analyse conflicts and to master non-violent approaches to dealing with them.
Safe mediation space
We provide safe mediation spaces to enable parties to conflict to interact directly with the “other” in a protected and respectful atmosphere. Our facilitation role in a mediation process includes identifying key issues to be addressed, organising face-to-face meetings and maintaining a channel of communication between parties.
We use dialogue as a means of arriving at practical solutions to problems, which can be jointly-implemented by conflict parties (this is known as “diapraxis”). Our experience shows that developing shared actions in an inclusive way goes further in building trust between diverse actors.
Conflict analysis
We undertake extensive, thorough desk and field research in the early stages of a project, and consistent follow-up throughout our activities. This research helps us develop knowledge and networks that ensure the credibility and acceptability of our processes and projects.
Building trust
Our experience has shown the importance of building confidence and trust with all parties; particularly with “credible” actors. The success of our work depends on an atmosphere of common trust and shared goals. We take time to ensure that our interlocutors are convinced of the genuineness of our intentions in each project.
Why support the CPI?
Since 2002 the Cordoba Peace Institute – Geneva has worked to promote constructive dialogue and peace in and with the Arab and Muslim Worlds. This work has never been more urgent.
Our mission is to promote dialogue and empower people for the prevention of violence and for peaceful conflict transformation in societies where Muslims live.
The name of the Institute recalls the spirit of enlightenment and mutual respect that ruled in 10th-century Cordoba, called the “Capital of the Spirit”, which remains an almost unique model for dialogue between civilisations and the cross-fertilisation of ideas and learning.
The Cordoba Peace Institute – Geneva (CPI) is an independent non-profit organization working on peace promotion. We focus on tensions and polarisations in all societies where Muslims live and aim to enhance theoretical and practical conflict transformation resources in Muslim majority countries.
The CPI has programmes in progress in the Sahel region (Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria), West Asia (Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria), and North Africa (Libya, Morocco, Tunisia) and is currently launching a new programme that aims to encourage the coexistence and diversity in Europe through a conflict transformation approach (Belgium, France, Hungary, Switzerland).
- Addressing the challenges to peaceful transition in North Africa and West Asia (NAWAT program)
- Encouraging peaceful interaction between communities in the Sahel (Sahel program)
- Preventing Violent Extremism in North Africa, West Asia and the Sahel (PVE program)
- Addressing Sunni – Shia tensions in the Arab World (ME program)
- Transforming conflict in the humanitarian field (HUMED program)
- Encouraging coexistence and diversity in Europe through a conflict transformation approach (Islam in Europe program)