Weekly Update 28.10-03.11.2014

Weekly Update 28.10-03.11.2014

28 October – 3 November 2014
Cordoba Foundation of Geneva


» 03.11.2014: Divided We Stand?

On November 4th, the constitutional court is due to rule on the legality of the decisions of the Tobruk-based House of Representatives (HoR). Experts diverge on the outcome: some constitutional law experts think that after repeatedly postponing its decision the court has to give its verdict, others believe that it should be postponed due to the political pression exerted on the court’s 11 judges (6 of them from the time of Qaddafi).

Over the last week, Hafter’s forces have attempted to take control of Al Fadhil hotel on the outskirts of Benghazi in order to establish it as the new venue of the HoR. By securing Al Fadhil hotel in Benghazi, Al Thenni’s government aimed at dismissing criticism for their limited ruling (three small towns (Tobruk, Al Mourj, and Al Beida).

According to some sources, a compromise aiming at ending the political deadlock and military stalemate between Tripoli’s Libya Dawn and Hafter’s Dignity forces and which will consist of holding parliamentary elections on the basis of the new constitution should be reached by the end of the year. The parties have not yet reacted to the proposals.

While the political struggle for diplomatic legitimacy remains, clashes continue in Benghazi.



» 01-3.11.2014: Ennahdha-Nidaa Tounes: A complicated Story

On the day the electoral campaign for the upcoming Nov.23 presidential election kicked off, Ennahdha’s Shura (Consultative) council convened for a two-day meeting to ponder over the movement’s position as far as which candidate to support. Ennahdha movement that is not fielding a candidate, has called Tunisians, to come out in massive numbers in order to choose a president that would serve the “supreme national interest and protect the democratic process from encroachment and autocracy.” The movement’s decision as to which candidate it would back would be made public in the coming days. Meanwhile, presidential hopefuls such as Moncef Marzouki, Nejib Chebbi, and Mustapha Ben Jaâfar, to name a few, are competing to win Ennahdha’s blessing. With 30% of the vote in last week’s legislatives Ennahdha remains a key factor in the Tunisian political landscape. Mindful of this fact, Beji Caid Essebsi has been busy to establish Nodaa Tounes as a continuation of the late Habib Bourguiba’s Destourian independence movement. Thus, Essebsi aims to disengage with his recent political legacy as one of Ben Ali’s longest serving ministers and instead position himself as the heir to Bourguiba’s nationalist legacy. This effort was evident in Essebsi’s launch, last weekend, of his presidential electoral campaign from El Mounastir, Bourguiba’s hometown.



» 31.10.2014 : Ultimatum imposé au président par les Houthis

A la suite d’une conférence convoquée le 31 octobre par le groupe houthi et boycottée par un certain nombre de cheikhs de tribus importantes, le groupe houthi et ses partisans ont déclaré qu’ils laissaient dix jours au président Abd Rabbou Mansour Hadi pour former un nouveau gouvernement, sans quoi ils formeraient un comité pourvu d’un pouvoir parallèle à celui du président avec pour mandat la formation d’un gouvernement. Certains observateurs perçoivent cette déclaration comme une première étape dans un coup contre l’accord de paix et de partenariat signé le mois passé par les Houthis et le gouvernement yéménite et considèrent que le parti des Houthis pourrait exploiter l’absence d’une formation de nouveau gouvernement pour déclarer ouvertement et officiellement leur prise de pouvoir au Yémen. Dans le cas où un tel comité viendrait à être formé, cela générerait un vaste mécontentement populaire face à un procédé qui serait considéré comme un coup d’état manifeste. Samedi, au lendemain de la conférence, les principales forces politiques yéménites, y compris les houthis, ont signé un accord demandant au président Hadi et au premier ministre Khaled Bahah de former un gouvernement technocrate. Mohammed Abdel Malek al-Mutawakel, secrétaire général du parti de l’Union des forces populaires, qui a été l’un des facilitateurs et des signataires de l’accord, a été assassiné le lendemain. Cet assassinat a été accueilli avec une grande indignation populaire parmi toutes les parties au Yémen. Derrière cet assassinat qui n’a pas été revendiqué, certains voient une action d’Al-Qaida, alors que d’autres soupçonnent les Houthis d’avoir voulu éliminer une personnalité du courant zaïdite civil qui s’oppose à l’option de la force et appelle à un Etat civil.



» 02.11.2014: Burkina Faso’s Coup : The View from Nouakchott

In 1999, the Organization of the African Unity stated that the organization would not recognize regimes which come to power through military coups. Mauritania consisted the exception with Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz who got elected last spring for a second term while chairing the OAU. Shortly after his re-election, the Mauritanian opposition leadership started wondering if Abdel Aziz would amend the constitution to allow him to serve for a third term. While Burkinabe’s Blaise Compaore aimed at the same last week, it put an end to his 27-year long authoritarian rule.



Chad :

» 31.10.2014 : The trial of Hissène Habré will start mid-November

The trial of Hissène Habré, the former President of Chad, will start mid-November and last one month. Hissène Habré is prosecuted for alleged acts of torture, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed while he was in power between 1982 and 1990. In addition, 29 former members of the political police of Hissène Habré have been referred to the Criminal Court for accusations of murder, torture, kidnapping and illegal detention.

Niger :

» 30.10.2014: Attacks resulted in Casualties

Security forces based in Ouallam, in the region of Tillabéry, close to the border of Mali, were victims of three attacks last Thursday. One of the attacks took place in the prison and another one in the refugee camp of Mangaïzé. On October 3, Niger had suffered nine casualties after a raid against soldiers from the UN peacekeeping operation in Mali near Gao.

Mali :

» 28.10.2014: Military coordination established by the Azawad armed groups

The coordination of the Azawad movements, which comprises three armed groups (MNLA, HCUA, MAA), announced last Tuesday the establishment of a military coordination. This structure is composed of 10 officers who are under the command of Colonel Mohamed Ag Najim. According to Moussa Ag Acharatoumane, spokesperson of the coordination, this mechanism was set up as a result of a meeting that took place in Anefis from 26 to 28 octobre 2014 and it is aimed at enforcing the protection of populations against violence from governmental militias. According to analysts and the Malian government, this decision goes against the outcomes of the peace negotiations that just came to an end in Algiers.

In regards to the security situation in Mali, tensions continue to be high since a position of the Malian army was attacked in Gao last Sunday. The same day Malian soldiers in the South were facing assaults from a Tuareg armed group. Both the government of Mali and the armed groups accused their opponent of violating the cease-fire that was recently signed in Algiers. These events followed the death last Wednesday of a French soldier who was killed during a military operation against an armed group in the Adrar.


Nigeria :

» 01.11.2014 : Boko Haram démonte l’accord de cessez-le-feu, et annonce le mariage des filles enlevées

Dans une vidéo obtenue vendredi par l’AFP, Boko Haram a nié tout accord de cessez-le-feu avec les autorités nigérianes, excluant toute perspective future de négociation. Le groupe a affirmé aussi que les 219 lycéennes enlevées à Chibok ont toutes été converties à l’Islam et mariées.


» 03.11.2014 : 15 morts dans un attenta anti-chiite à Potiskum

Selon des témoins, une forte explosion a retenti lundi au cours d’une cérémonie chiite à Potiskum, ville de l’État de Yobe, située dans le nord-est du Nigeria. Le premier bilan provisoire de l’attaque fait état d’au moins 15 personnes tuées.


The views and perspectives contained in the Weekly Update are from individual contributors and external sources, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or position of the Cordoba Foundation of Geneva. The links are neither intended as an endorsement of particular publications nor the only source for the updates, but to connect to information in the public domain, for those interested in background or further details.


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