The Cordoba Update 11-24.08.2015

The Cordoba Update 11-24.08.2015

12th – 25th January 2016
Cordoba Foundation of Geneva

In line with the programmes and projects funded by partners of the Cordoba Foundation of Geneva, updates and information are included under the following geographical regions and themes:
North Africa:

  • Islamist-Secular relations;
  • Transition and Political participation.
Sahel region:

  • Interfaith relations;
  • Relations between communities of different ethnic and cultural affiliation.
Middle East:

  • Relations between Muslim communities with different religious references.

  • Violent extremism and the war on terror.


Tunisia, 13.08.2015: Essebsi in the Footsteps of Bourguiba

President Beji Caid Essebsi triggered a debate when he declared, on August 13, that the Islamic veil should be banned in primary schools. The announcement was made on the occasion of the celebration of Tunisia’s national women’s day. According to Essebsi the practice of having children wear veils is “contrary to the provisions of the law on the rights of children.” The proposed measure, although Esebssi did not explain how it would be implemented, has aggravated the already strained relations between Islamists and seculars in Tunisia. Othman Bettikh, minister of religious affairs, said that banning the veil is not within his prerogatives and that the issue is within the mandate of the ministry of education. Positions among civil society organisations varied. Hayet Jazzar, a lawyer and women rights activist at the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women (ATFD) considered that according to the law, Essebsi’s veil ban would apply to girls aged 13 and below. A veil ban was first enacted under former president Bourguiba in 1981; and was then considered a sectarian dress-style. Others consider that while most scholars agree that the veil in Islam is not required before puberty, and that the practice of veiled children is very marginal, Essebsi did not really need to add to the troubles of Tunisia, which is facing far more pressing economic and security challenges at present.

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Maroc, 20.08.2015 : Début des Elections Locales

En vertu de la Constitution marocaine de juillet 2011 adoptée suite aux soulèvements populaires concrétisés notamment dans le Mouvement de 20 février durant le « Printemps arabe », le Maroc conduit ses premières élections locales le 4 septembre. Les élections à venir contiennent plusieurs considérations: les premières élections locales effectuées en vertu de la nouvelle Constitution de 2011, les premières élections menées sous la supervision d’un gouvernement dirigé par un parti à référence islamique, et les premières élections régies par des nouvelles lois réglementaires et électorales.

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Libya, 19.08.2015: Tebus and Tuaregs Threaten to Walk out of the Constitution Drafting Assembly

The proceedings of the work of the Constitution Drafting Assembly (CDA) have long been overshadowed by the political deadlock between the GNC in Tripoli and the HoR in Tobruk which has lasted for over a year now against the backdrop of combatting ISIS in Sirte and Derna. Last week, the CDA proceeded to set up an ad hoc action group to be tasked with ironing out the final draft of the constitution. The action group would constitute of 4 representatives from each of the three historical territories of Libya. One single group member would represent the Tebu and Tuareg ethnic groups. Unhappy with this arrangement, Tebu and Tuareg representatives suspended their participation in the CDA, and threatened to walk out altogether. The said representatives argued that they have different ethnic concerns and as such, it would not be acceptable for them to be represented by just one member. In a communique, signed by the Tebu and Tuareg representatives in the CDA, they considered “the non-commitment of the CDA to the principle of consensus with minorities, as stipulated in the Constitutional Declaration; and the exclusion of Tuaregs and Tebus from the action group …is considered a breach of the Constitutional Declaration and a deviation from the basis of founding a multi-cultural democratic state.”

In an interesting development, the CDA has relocated its work from Al-Bayda in eastern Libya to the west of the country; and has officially requested financial support from the GNC government in Tripoli.

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Mauritania: A New Low in Arab-Black Ethnic Tensions

A Mauritanian court upheld, last week, the two-year sentence of Briam Dah Abid, leader of the slavery abolitionist organisation Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement Initiative (IRA-Mauritanie). Biram Dah Abid, who came second in the last presidential elections, boycotted his trial and said in an open letter from his prison “the Haratin (reference to slaves and former slaves), represent 50% of the Mauritanian population. Babies are born to masters and forced to serve them all their lives.” Black-Arab ethnic relations are a very sensitive issue in Mauritania. While some acknowledge the issue and encourage the Mauritanian establishment to do more to tackle the issue, others fear foreign involvement could lead to a scenario similar to that of South Sudan. The Forum for Democracy and Unity, which regroups the opposition parties, issued a communique in which it said, “the regime only wants IRA only as an extremist movement and if its leaders show any moderation then prison would be their fate.”

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Kuwait, 24.08.2015: Fears of an Increase in Sectarian Tensions

While an upsurge of solidarity has been seen in Kuwait in the aftermath of the 26 June bombing, with people queuing up to donate blood and praying side by side, behind the scenes there is a deep fear that sectarian tensions are on the rise. The social fabric of this small state, which has been an example of cross sectarian tolerance, is being put under pressure by the regional situation and has shown signs of fraying, according to some analysts.

On August 13, a huge arms cache was uncovered and three Kuwaiti citizens were arrested. The Interior Ministry said that they have confessed to joining a group that was plotting to destabilise the country. Although no official statement has been released to specify which group was implicated, news agencies mentioned quickly a link with the Lebanese Hizbollah or directly with Iran.

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Yemen, 17.08.2015: Sanaa’s Approaching Battle?

On July 14, the Saleh-Houthi alliance suffered their first major defeat since the start of the war in March, when fighters supported by the Saudi-led coalition took control of most of Aden. On July 25, a unilateral 5 day ceasefire was announced by the Saudi-led coalition to allow the passage of humanitarian aid, but this was immediately broken by both sides. With the end of the battle for Taiz seemingly in sight for the Yemeni legitimacy forces, which would pave the way to the capital Sanaa, the UN envoy to Yemen, Ould Cheikh Ahmed, is shuttling between the warring parties in efforts to secure the withdrawal of Houthi forces in order to avoid a devastating battle in the capital.

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Egypt, 17.08.2015 : Ratification of a New Anti-Terrorism Law

The new anti-terrorism law that was ratified by Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi on August 17, 2015, has raised deep concerns from human rights activists and activists from Egyptian civil society. The laws establish special courts and offer additional protection from legal consequences for military and police officers who have used force. Of particular concern are Articles 2 and 8. The former gives an expanded and vague definition of “terrorism”. The latter might grant total impunity to security forces as some lawyers warn. Article 35 threatens journalists with a fine of up to $64,000 in case of reporting any account contrary to that provided by the state, in all matters of security.

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Egypt, 21.08.2015: Prisons as Incubators for Extremism

Alaa Abd El Fattah, outspoken blogger and political activist, has spoken to the media for the first time since he began serving his latest sentence at Tora Prison. He is serving a five-year prison sentence for being at a civil gathering in front of the Shura Council in November 2013 to protest a constitutional provision allowing the military to court-martial civilians. Describing the conditions in Egyptian prisons as he has experienced them, he considers that Egyptian prisons have always been incubators for extremism. “Since way before the January 25 revolution, prison was the place where the Salafi Jihadis proselytized and mobilized. I don’t know if that’s on the increase or not. But what’s certain is that prisons are an incubator of violence because of what happens inside them”, he said. “Prisons in our country are the embodiment of violation”.

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Maroc, 21.08.2015 : Le Roi du Maroc Regrette l’Imposition des Visas aux Réfugiés

Dans un discours prononcé jeudi soir, le 20 août 2015 à l’occasion du 62ème anniversaire de « la révolution du roi et du peuple », le roi Mohammed VI a déclaré que « certains pays de la région vivent dans des conditions difficiles, en raison de l’insécurité et de la prolifération des armes et des groupes extrémistes, ce qui a contraint le Maroc de prendre des mesures préventives pour protéger sa sécurité et sa stabilité ». Il a exprimé ainsi son regret de l’imposition des visas aux réfugiés syriens et libyens par son pays, tout en expliquant que la décision a été prise pour des raisons de sécurité liées au « terrorisme ». Cette déclaration est venue quelques jours après la réception d’une lettre d’un enfant syrien demandant un visa pour entrer au Maroc.

Lien pour plus d’information :

Mauritania, 21.08.2015: Salafi Prisoners Call for a Remake of the 2010 Dialogue with Ulemas

Ahmed Ould Hadhramy a Salafi prisoner who has gone on a number of hunger-strikes to claim his innocence and protest the conditions of his imprisonment has issued a communique in which he supported renewed calls in Mauritania for dialogue between Salafi prisoners and Islamic scholars, as was the case in 2010. Hadhramy said that he was the victim of politically motivated charges in the global war on terror. He reiterated his belief in non-violence and commitment to moderation. Besides this, he called on the Mauritanian government to “open the prisons to scholars, key actors, human rights activists and others who are moderate and accepted by Salafi prisoners in Mauritania in order to launch a serious and viable dialogue that would eventually lead to the release of those who are convinced with non-violence.” These calls for dialogue coincide with an international conference on the Mauritanian approach to countering extremism and terrorism, held in Nouakchott on 21-22 August.

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Tunisia, 22.08.2015: Social Consequences of the Security Approach

The Tunisian Labour Organisation (OTT) has called for a sit-in to protest at the ministry of religious affairs’ decision to sack Imams and close down mosques accused of operating outside its oversight. The decision was taken hastily in the wake of the July Sousse Attack. The sit-in due to take place on August 26 outside the ministry’s building aims, according to Chihebeddine Tlich Secretary general of OTT, to explain to the authorities that the said measures are counter-productive and could feed extremism rather than defeat it. Tlich deplored that the anti-terrorism law passed recently has been used to target faith-based organisations and charities. It is worth mentioning that the OTT was set up in 2013 at the peak of the polarisation between the Ennahda-let Troika and Nidaa Tounes and other leftist groups.

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The views and perspectives contained in the Weekly Update are from individual contributors and external sources, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or position of the Cordoba Foundation of Geneva. The links are neither intended as an endorsement of particular publications nor the only source for the updates, but to connect to information in the public domain, for those interested in background or further details.


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