The Duty of Muslims to Contribute to the Funding of Peace Mediation
نداء تمويل معهد قرطبة صائفة 2024 | اللغة العربية
1. Conflicts ravage Muslim societies
Muslim societies suffer from numerous conflicts that erupt and escalate in the form of political and ideological polarisation, ethnic, linguistic and tribal tensions, and religious and sectarian divides. In addition, Muslim societies lack the necessary resources to deal peacefully with conflicts, which often lead to violence and hamper development efforts.

2.Using Islamic resources for peace mediation
There is a need to use innovative approaches to peacebuilding in Muslim societies, including revisiting internal peace resources, adapting them to current contexts and integrating them with modern peacemaking techniques. There is also an urgent need to build the capacity of a generation of peace workers in Islamic contexts.
3.Increasing interest of the Muslim countries in mediation
In recent years, there has been growing interest in mediation in several Islamic countries, including Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Turkey. The OIC Council of Foreign Ministers, by virtue of its Resolution No. 56/46-POL on “Strengthening the Mediation Capacity of the OIC”, which was adopted in March 2019, affirmed its “commitment to strengthening awareness in the OIC area of the benefits of mediation as a cost-effective tool for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts”. The Council assigned the General Secretariat the task of preparing a “Code of Conduct for Mediators, focusing on culturally sensitive mediation approaches.”

4.Mediation is not reserved for official authorities
Peace mediation is the responsibility of everyone, and not the prerogative of official diplomacy only. Government agencies, non-governmental organizations, community leaders, religious scholars, and citizens as individuals should cooperate. The contribution to peace mediation takes many forms related to either the content or the process, such as expert guidance, validation, logistical support, training, coordination, facilitation, monitoring, and funding. The interest of non-state actors in the Islamic world in peace mediation has grown over the last two decades. Today, there is a growing awareness in the Islamic world of the need to master conflict transformation approaches. This can be measured by the desire of an increasing number of Islamic scholars in various parts of the Islamic world to contribute to peace mediation, and by the growing number of young Muslims who have been trained in mediation or are pursuing academic curricula in conflict transformation.
5.Peace mediation is a religious duty
Anything that benefits creation is charity, and therefore peace mediation is considered one of the many areas of charity. The Qur’ān calls for peace mediation between conflicting parties and considers it a religious duty, as indicated in the following Qur’ānic verses: “Do not swear by God to avoid doing good, being righteous and bond mending. God is All-Hearing and All-Knowing.” (Qur’ān, 2:224), “There is no good in most of their secret talk, except in the case of those who enjoin charity and kindness, or islāh [bond mending] between people. If anyone does that, seeking the pleasure of God, We will give him an immense reward.” (Qur’ān, 4:114), “Solh [conflict settlement] is better” (Qur’ān, 4:128), “If two groups of believers come to fight one another, then amend [aslihū] the relation between them.” (Qur’ān, 49:9), “Fulfil your duty to God and mend [aslihū] the relation between yourselves” (Qur’ān, 8:1). Al-Shawkani points out in his “Fath al-Qadeer” that this last verse emphasises the importance of mending bonds, as it links the perfection of faith with fearing God, mediating between conflicting parties, and obeying God and His Messenger.
6.The Prophet (s) gave the example of a peacemaker
The Prophet (s) practised peacemaking before he received the revelation, for example, when he resolved the dispute in Mecca over the return of the black stone to its place after the restoration of the Kaaba. He also practised peacemaking after the Hijra, and perhaps the most famous example of this is when he addressed the chronic dispute that existed between the Aws and the Khazraj tribes in Yathrib by building a new social and political reality in what became Al-Madina. The Al-Madina Charter, which he drafted in the first year of the Hijra, played an important role in conflict transformation, peacemaking and the promotion of social cohesion in Al-Madina. Whenever the Prophet heard of an outbreak of conflict, he rushed to mediate. According to Sahl bin Saad As-Saadi, when he heard of a conflict among the Banu Amr bin Awf tribe in Quba’, he immediately went to mediate with some of his companions. (Reported by Bukhari).
7.The value of peacemaking in the Islamic tradition

The companions of the Prophet, their successors and early Muslim scholars used to urge for peacemaking. The caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab preferred bond mending to the judiciary and instructed the judges, including Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari, saying: “Dismiss the adversaries until they are reconciled, for the judgement of justice inherits the rancour between the people.” (Reported by Bayhaqi and Abdurrazaq). Imam Anas Ibn Malik said: “Whoever mends the bonds between two people, God will reward him as if he had freed a slave.” (Qurtubi, Compilation of Qur’ānic provisions). Imam Al-Awza’i said: “No step is loved to God Almighty better than a step for the sake of bond mending, and whoever mediates between two conflicting parties God has written that he will be saved from the fire of hell.” (Qurtubi, Compilation of Qur’ānic provisions) According to Muhammad Ibn Al-Munkadir, Abu Hurayra said: “I heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, say: Whoever makes peace between two people is entitled to the reward of a martyr.” (Qurtubi, Compilation of Qur’ānic provisions) It is said, as mentioned by Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim: “Make peace between people, for God will make peace between the believers on the Day of Resurrection.” (Informing the Signatories on the Authority of the Lord of the Worlds)

8.The encouragement to use Zakat for financing peace mediation
No peace process can be achieved without the financial resources to design it and implement it. Financial resources are needed at all stages of the process, from analysis and diagnosis, through dialogue and negotiation, to implementation of the agreement. Financial resources are also crucial if the agreement between the parties to the conflict includes an aspect of reparations. Islamic scholars took note of this and earmarked a portion of Zakat receipts to fund peace mediation efforts, as it is one of the most important charitable works, and included it within the framework of the sixth Zakat recipient, “the indebted”, as indicated in the Qur’anic verse: “Alms are for (1) the poor and (2) the needy, and (3) those employed to administer the [funds]; for (4) those whose hearts have been [recently] reconciled [to Truth]; for (5) those in bondage and (6) those in debt; (7) in the cause of God; and (8) for the wayfarer: [thus is it] ordained by God, and God is full of knowledge and wisdom.” (Qur’ān, 9:60). Islamic scholars consider the sixth Zakat recipient, “those in debt”, covers: “A man who carries a financial burden for the sake of peace mediation between tribes and the like.” (Interpretation of the Qur’ān by Ibn Attiya); “People in debt, who borrow […] to mediate peace, even if they are rich.” (Al-Jalalayn interpretation of the Qur’ān); “Those who are in debt for mediating between people, that is, when there is evil and strife between two groups of people, if a man mediates to reconcile between them with money that he gives to one of them or to all of them [as reparation], he is given a share of Zakat so that he will be more active and stronger in his efforts, and it is given even if he is rich.” (Interpretation of the Qur’ān by As-Saadi).
There is proof from the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that confirms this. Qubaysah ibn Mukhariq said: “I took a loan [for the purpose of mending the bond], so I went to the Messenger of God, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, to ask him about it. He said: ‘Stay until the sadaqa (alms) come to us, and we will order it for you’. Then he said: ‘O Qubaysah, it is not permissible to ask for money except for one of three people’”. The first one the Prophet (pbuh) mentioned was “a man who has taken a loan; it is permissible for him to ask for compensation”.

9.The work of Cordoba Peace Institute – Geneva
Cordoba Peace Institute (CPI) is a Swiss foundation based in Geneva and operating under the supervision of the Swiss government. CPI is in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). CPI was established in 2002 as an attempt to help bridge the gap between the large number of conflicts plaguing the Arab and Islamic world and the lack of capacity and resources in the field of conflict transformation, violence prevention, peace building and the promotion of social cohesion. CPI’s objectives include reviving internal resources for peace and empowering peace actors in Muslim-majority societies. Over the past two decades, CPI has conducted programmes and projects that combine (1) applied research aimed at launching peace mediation initiatives, (2) training (in Arabic, English, French and several African languages) adapted to the local context and the profile and interests of the participants, and (3) practice in the field of conflict transformation and various types of mediation, in more than twenty countries in several geographical regions: West Asia, North Africa, Sahel and Sub-Saharan Africa, East Africa and West Africa.

10.Funding CPI’s activities
Since its inception, CPI has been supported mainly by Western donors, particularly the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). It has also received donations from a few friends of the Institute. CPI regularly receives requests to work in other regions to address more conflictual situations but is unable to do so due to limited resources. CPI needs to secure funding to continue its current activities and develop new ones, and to diversify its funding sources and find a balance between funding from Western and Islamic countries. This is important for CPI’s credibility and acceptance in the contexts in which it works.
11.Support CPI!

CPI needs your support and contribution as a private donor to co-fund projects that are already partly funded by the Swiss FDFA and others, or to fund new projects. CPI’s peacebuilding work is long-term and CPI projects take several years to produce tangible results. Donors are therefore encouraged to consider regular support over a period of 3-5 years.
▪ Bank account
Beneficiary’s name | Cordoba Peace Institute – Geneva |
Beneficiary’s address | Chemin des Vignes 2bis – 1209 Genève |
Bank’s name | Banque Cantonale de Genève (BCGE) |
Bank’s address | Case postale 2251 – 1211 Genève 2 |
Account number | T 3269.66.43 |
IBAN | CH96 0078 8000 T326 9664 3 |
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▪ Donate via Stripe (coming soon)

If you would like to support CPI’s work in a specific context in the geographical region we cover (West Asia, Swahili Coast of East Africa, Somalia, West Africa, Sahel, North Africa) Please get in touch.
© Illustrations from The Seven Golden Odes (The Mu’allaqat) collection by Iraqi artist Dia Azzawi