Weekly Update 11-24.11.2014

Weekly Update 11-24.11.2014

11 – 24 November 2014
Cordoba Foundation of Geneva


» 10-24.11.2014: Bernardino Leon’s Balancing Act

Following the Supreme Court’s ruling of Nov. 5th which annulled the House of Representatives’ elections, UNSMIL announced that it “[took] note” of the decision and that it would be “studying it closely.” This wording and subsequent declarations by Bernardino Leon seem to have complicated Leon’s relations with Omar Hassi who leads the Tripoli-based government of national salvation. Tripoli increasingly feels that in the light of Leon’s public declarations and performance, especially after the Court’s ruling, he has failed to remain impartial in his capacity as UN envoy tasked with finding a peaceful resolution of the Libyan crisis. It was therefore not surprising to see a protest outside UNSMIL’s office in Tripoli early this week. On the ground, the humanitarian truce announced in Benghazi by UNSMIL on 19 November did not hold, while battles rage on in the second largest town of this divided country. In Tripoli, Khalifa Hafter’s forces operated an air strike on the Maitiga airport while their allies in Zintan launched an offensive on Kikla and managed to take control of it to the detriment of Libya Dawn forces. This first air strike on the civilian airport by the Hafter forces is decoded in Tripoli as a desperate measure to force a negotiated solution to the crisis. It is in this context that Leon has apparently proposed a national unity government to be headed by Mustafa Abushagur.



» 24.11.2014:Presidential Elections: Not without Surprises

As was expected, Mouncif Merzouki and Beji Caid Esebssi emerged as the top two favourites of voters in the first round of Tunisia’s presidential election. Partial and unofficial results show that Essebsi obtained around 39.46 % and Merzouki 33.43% of votes cast. Hama Hamami, Popular Front, obtained 7.82 %, Hechmi Hmadi 5.75%, and the businessman Slim Riahi 5.55 %. With 27 candidates, Caid Essebsi and Nidaa Tounes, could not seal a victory from the first round since different dynamics have operated since last month’s legislative elections. It is clear that Ennahdha’s base (30% in the October 26 elections) has weighed in favour of Merzouki, despite the fact that the movement remained officially neutral and abstained from giving official voting instructions to its members. Two kingmakers are in a position to negotiate. Slim Riahia, leader of the National Union (15 seats in the last legislative elections) has not yet announced which candidate he would support in the second round, in late December. Hama Hamami’s Popular Front has already announced that it would not support Merzouki in the second round but would not necessarily back Caid Essebsi.



» 18.11.2014 : Demande de Dissolution du Parti Al-Nour

Malgré son soutien à la feuille de route imposée par l’armée en été 2013, le parti Al-Nour fait face à une campagne médiatique de dénigrement et à une action en justice demandant sa dissolution. L’action en justice se base sur l’argument que le parti s’opposerait à la constitution qui interdit les partis à base religieuse. Des observateurs se montrent sceptiques quant aux motivations qui se cachent derrière cette action et soupçonnent la peur d’une victoire du parti Al-Nour aux élections parlementaires prévues pour mars 2015.



» 22.11.2014 :Les Signes d’une Scission dans leParti du CongrèsGénéral du Peupleau Yémen

L’ancien président yéménite et chef du parti du Congrès général du peuple, Ali Abdullah Saleh, a limogé le président yéménite actuel Abed Rabbo Hadi de son poste de premier vice-président du Parti en réponse à la résolution du Conseil de sécurité imposant une interdiction de voyage à son encontre et le gel de sa fortune. Selon des analystes, la lutte entre Saleh et Hadi soulève la menace d’une scission du parti entre le nord et le sud, alors que des dirigeants du parti au sud rejettent la destitution de Hadi.



Mali :

» 20.11.2014 :Third and Last Round of Negotiations in Algiers

A third and last round of negotiations officially started in Algiers last Thursday between the government of Mali and participating armed groups. Also present were the MINUSMA, African Union, Economic Community of West African States, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, European Union, Mauritania, Niger and Chad. While the mediators are pushing for a quick solution, the discussions started in a tense climate due to several diverging opinions related to the document proposed by the mediation team. Despite strong commitments from parties to the negotiations to find a solution and restore peace and stability in Mali, both sides stand firm on their positions. The Malian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdoulaye Diop, rejects the inclusion of the term “Azawad” in the agreement as well as the idea of federalism. From their side, representatives from the Azawad Movements Coalition– which includes the MNLA, HCUA and MAA – stated they would not agree with a solution that would merely proposes decentralization. They also insisted about the necessity to break the taboo of “Azawad” and mention it in the final agreement.


Niger :

» 22.11.2014:Strengthened Collaboration between Mali and Niger

The President of Mali, S.E Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, undertook last Saturday a visit to Niger where he met with his counterpart, S.E Issoufou Mahamadou. Both men reaffirmed the strong links of cooperation and fraternity that unite their countries for cultural reasons and also because of the similar threats they face. The visit was also an opportunity for the two Presidents to discuss the security situation in the Sahel, the negotiations currently held in Algiers between the government of Mali and armed rebel movements as well as the means of reinforcement of their links of solidarity.


Nigeria :

» 24.11.2014 :L’Approche des Elections Présidentielles et Législatives Accompagnées des Violences

Tandis que les élections présidentielles et législatives de février 2015 se rapprochent, International Crisis Group (ICG) juge quela situation politique ne cesse de se détériorer, faisant craindre l’éclatement de nombreuses violences. Samedi 22 novembre, une cinquantaine d’agents de sécurité venus d’Abuja ont saccagé le centre de données du principal parti d’opposition du Nigeria après en avoir bloqué l’accès. Cet incident survient après celui de jeudi 20 novembre, où les forces de l’ordre avaient tiré des gaz lacrymogènes contre des députés de l’APC (All Progressives Congres), une coalition d’opposition.


The views and perspectives contained in the Weekly Update are from individual contributors and external sources, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or position of the Cordoba Foundation of Geneva. The links are neither intended as an endorsement of particular publications nor the only source for the updates, but to connect to information in the public domain, for those interested in background or further details.


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