The Cordoba Update – Welcome back!

The Cordoba Update – Welcome back!

Welcome back!

The Cordoba Update returns after the summer break in a new format. Information is now presented following thematic lines rather than on a country-by-country basis. This new format reflects the focus of activities of the Cordoba Foundation of Geneva (CFG).

The Cordoba Update is first and foremost a tool that allows the Cordoba team and the partners that fund the CFG’s activities to closely monitor regional developments with specific regard to ongoing programs, thus contributing to the effectiveness of its projects in meeting the needs of beneficiaries and maximizing their impact.

The Cordoba Update thus covers the following topics in the three regions of its current operations:

In North Africa:
– Secular-Islamist Relations;
– Transition and political participation

In the Sahel region:
– Interfaith relations;
– Relations between communities of different ethnic and cultural affiliation.

In the Middle East:
– Relations between Muslim communities with different religious references.

– Violent extremism and the war on terror.

The Cordoba team hopes you will continue to find the new format Cordoba Update both interesting and useful.

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