Weekly Update 26.08-08.09.2014

Weekly Update 26.08-08.09.2014

26 August – 8 September 2014
Cordoba Foundation of Geneva


» 5-8.09.2014: Facts on the Ground Shape Algiers Policy toward Libya

According to Algerian security sources cited by the usually well-informed Algerian daily El Watan, Algiers is taking into consideration the facts on the ground with regard to the state of affairs in Libya and Algiers’ policy towards Tripoli. According to El Watan sources, Algiers is most preoccupied by the security of its eastern borders with Libya. For that reason, it is ready to deal with those who can guarantee that security on the ground. El Watan suggested that the ability of the Libya Dawn brigades to take control of Tripoli, and to evict the pro- Libya Dignity militia despite the Egyptian and Emirati air support, seemed to have convinced Algiers of this decision. Echorouk Elyoumi, an Algerian daily, reported in its Monday edition that AbdelHakim Belhaj’s announced visit to Algiers is believed to be part of the Algerian government’s move to strengthen ties with moderate Islamists who control Tripoli. El Watan read the same in Rached Ghanouchi’s meeting with Bouteflika last week.



» 08.09.2014: King Maker? Ennahdha Decides not to run for Presidential Elections

After three months of suspense and following two days of consultations, the Ennahdha Movement’s Shura Council decided that the movement will not present a candidate from its ranks for the upcoming presidential election in November. Ennahdha, however, would “support the candidacy of a consensual, national personality that would serve the goals of the revolution, preserve the democratic experience, and contribute to its success”. Ziyad Al Adhari, Ennahdha’s spokesman, said that Ennahdha’s decision as to whom it would support would be known once all aspiring candidates have submitted their candidacy files and an official list had been announced. Now that Ennahdha has revealed some of its cards, it is expected that Beji Caid Sebsi would officially submit his candidacy on Tuesday.



» 07/09/2014: Egypt’s president: power to the people?

Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has responded to public anger over power shortages by making an appeal for patience and calling for Egyptians to stand united.


» 08/09/2014 : Manifestations nocturnes contre la hausse des prix

L’Alliance nationale pour soutenir la légitimité avait organisé six manifestations nocturnes anti-coup d’Etat, dans différents quartiers en Alexandrie. La coalition de la jeunesse contre le coup d’Etat avait organisé également une manifestation lundi soir dans le village d’Alkhayata au nord du centre de Damiette, dans le but de dénoncer les événements du coup d’Etat militaire. Cette manifestation avait été organisée dans le cadre de la semaine de « la révolution jusqu’à la victoire », et elle avait connu une large participation des jeunes, des opposants du coup d’Etat. Elle avait commencé devant la Grande Mosquée dans le village et fit le tour de plusieurs rues brandissant des drapeaux de l’Egypte et le signe de Rabaa, en chantant des slogans contre le coup d’Etat. Les jeunes manifestants avaient confirmé que cette manifestation rentre dans le cadre des préparations pour lancer une vague de colère le 9 septembre contre la hausse des prix et la détérioration des conditions de vie.



» 03/09/2014: Houthis block roads in Sana’a

Houthi demonstrators halted traffic on Wednesday from 10 AM until 2 PM in four major streets in Sana’a. They thereby expressed their rejection of the initiatives announced on Tuesday by the presidential committee tasked to reach an agreement between the Houthis and the government.



» 29.08.2014: After 27 Years in Exile, FLAM Holds its First Congress in Mauritania

The Forces de Libération Africaines de Mauritanie (FLAM) held its first congress in Nouakchott on Friday 29 August 2014 despite the Mauritanian authorities’ efforts to prevent it from taking place. The FLAM’s request to hold its first congress in a hotel in Nouakchott was turned down. Mauritanian news outlets reported that the meeting took place at the movement’s house in Nouakchott, under strong security presence. The movement reiterated its calls for self-rule for black African Mauritanians. The historic event, ignored in official public media, triggered a number of op-eds and opposition party reactions who considered FLAM’s meeting a danger for national unity and social cohesion. Nevertheless, it was reported that three opposition parties attended the meeting, including the Muslim Brotherhood Tawasol Party that constitutes the second largest bloc in the parliament.



» 08.09.2014: Mali-Azawad Talks in Algiers: Regionalization, Self-Rule, Special Status?

The co-mediators in Algiers between the Malian government and the coalition of six Azawad movements had to extend the second round of talks which started early September in Algiers. Representatives of civil society in north Mali had to be invited to the talks to make their voices heard. According to pro-Bamako news outlets the civil society representatives’ calls for self-rule, special status or even self-determination went contrary to the Algiers Declaration and the Ouagadougou Agreement to preserve the territorial integrity of Mali. Negotiations would resume this week in parallel workshops on different questions including the political and institutional ones. The civil society representatives will not however participate in the talks between Bamako and the Azawad movement.


The views and perspectives contained in the Weekly Update are from individual contributors and external sources, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or position of the Cordoba Foundation of Geneva. The links are neither intended as an endorsement of particular publications nor the only source for the updates, but to connect to information in the public domain, for those interested in background or further details.


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